4 Compelling Benefits of Flexible Work Arrangements

Since the coronavirus pandemic started, precautionary measures have to be taken to keep people safe. Among these measures are offices allowing their employees to have flexible working arrangements, which means that employees are allowed to work from the comfort of their homes. It’s also pretty effective, since it has lots of benefits, especially for the employees.

What exactly are the benefits of flexible working environments for employees? In this article, we’ll shed light on that. Read on below to learn more.

#1 - Allows Recruitment for Employees with Time Constraints

There are times when employers may find the perfect candidate, but time constraints on the prospective employee get in the way. If you allow flexibility in their work schedule, they’re more likely to take the opportunity to join your company, especially if the work is done remotely.

This can be very handy for them, especially if they are taking care of another family member. Since the work is done remotely, they can keep an eye on their family member if they’re working. It’s also safe because the employee doesn’t have to go out for work.

#2 - Enables a Wider Talent Reach

Since your company’s work is done remotely, you can expand your talent pool when recruiting. You can even go as far as hiring employees from overseas. You can pretty much do anything remotely, such as scheduling online video calls aside from the actual work itself.

Aside from that, you can even hire more employees so that multiple projects can be done simultaneously. This reduces the workload among older employees if other new employees are the right fit for the job.

#3 - Maintains Employee Retention

Employee retention is related to a company’s efforts in maintaining its employees. Since your employees are working in a remote setting, it can be assumed that they are working in a familiar environment such as their home. If an employee works in a familiar atmosphere, chances are they can work more effectively and efficiently. And when their work performance is well, and you allow them to have a flexible work arrangement, chances are they’ll likely stay for a long time in your company.

#4 - Reduces Costs

A flexible working arrangement can benefit the company itself as well. Since everyone is working remotely, it eliminates the need for an on-site office and anything that comes with it. These include rent (if you’re renting your office space), electricity bills, and maintenance costs for the office.

Additionally, remote employees are more likely to accept work with a flexible arrangement even if the salary is a little bit lower than desired. They’ll think of the arrangement as a benefit in itself, which is why they’ll accept.

Aside from that, they can also reduce the salaries for employees. It sounds horrible, but hear us out. Since work is done remotely, you can put a minor deduction to your employee’s wages to save money for the company. These deductions can then be used to pay them more in the future. Just remember to calculate the right amount of how much you can deduct, or your employees may riot!


Many technological innovations have paved the way to make remote working possible. These include video calls, internet messaging, and cloud computing. While your recruitment problems won’t entirely disappear, they can be lessened by adopting a flexible work arrangement for your company. Aside from that, you should also consider taking advantage of remote working arrangements since it makes work easier for your employees.

Before you work, it’s good to have an apprenticeship first. Having an apprenticeship will give you an edge because it’s a valuable qualification for more jobs out there if you complete it. If you’re looking for available apprenticeships in Tasmania, you’re in luck because Keen Partners has got you covered! 

Keen Partners is a group training organisation that can help workers be prepared for when they enter the workforce. Contact us today to learn more!


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